Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Public Administrator s Biggest Concern - 1504 Words
Public administration is often times the enforcement of government policy and also academic discipline that prepares people for working in the public service. It is a field with a diverse scope. The goal is to have advance management and policies so that the government can function. A public administrator’s biggest concern is having a sense of organization with government policies and programs. Often times many unelected officers can be considered heads of city, county, regional, state, and federal departments. Some federal departments can include municipal budget directors, human resources administrators, city managers, census managers, state mental health directors, and cabinet secretaries. Public administrators can work in public at all levels of government. The history of public administration has ancient origins. The Egyptians and Greeks organized their government by public office. These office holders would be accountable for managing justice, law and order, and providing things for the people. The Romans also had a system like this, but it was much more complex. This system was under their empire. They also had an administrative structure created by the Roman Catholic Church. This structure was comprised of the entire empire, with a hierarchy of officers. Everyone also had to report back to the emperor. This soon disappeared after the fall of the Roman Empire in Western Europe in the 5th century. Surprisingly, most of its practices continued in the ByzantineShow MoreRelatedA Final Reason For High Teacher Turnover Rates1250 Words  | 5 Pagesobjectives, responsibilities, verbal communication, and felt supported by their administrator; teachers were more effective, satisfied, had a sense of community, and experiences less teacher turnover (p. 8). To establish and maintain effective collaboration, administrators play a fundamental role. 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