Friday, November 29, 2019
Remote Deposit Capture Project Quality management
Introduction Quality is a fundamental aspect of every project. Organizations achieve sufficiency by ensuring that quality standards are observed. This is ensured by setting quality standards which guide operations and form basis for all quality evaluations. In this project, quality standards are similarly important. The following quality standards are detailed for this project (Lee, 2010).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Remote Deposit Capture Project: Quality management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Quality assurance refers to the act of putting in place in all necessary measures to ensure the end product of service successfully achieves its intended purpose. Basically, all sectors have set of measures in place to ensure quality standards are observed. As mentioned earlier, the basis of quality in healthcare includes technical standards, service delivery and meeting client expectations (Cianfrani, West, 2009 ). Management of operations determines level of quality associated with these aspects. Quality is multifaceted and comprehensive. Various experts have identified dimensions which distinguish quality standards within organizations. Experts have successfully recognized several quality dimensions important in quality assurance. Quality assurance activities may address one or more of the listed dimensions (Rose, 2005). These include: availability of amenities, service continuity, efficiency of provided services, interpersonal communication, relations between staff, as well as technical know-how and staff competence (Weber, 2009). These define useful dimensions upon which health teams define and analyze problems within organization and measure the extent to which standards are being attained. Each of the mentioned dimensions is discussed in light of specific programs and is appropriate to service delivery. Quality standards Timely service Proving quality within reasonable time is of nece ssity. Reasonable time in this context means that the time that those people need the services are is adequately met and when this is not possible they are duly informed in advance to ensure they are not inconvenienced. Additionally, time should be provided within the shortest time possibleAdvertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Service availability More often than, as time goes by, client becomes more reliant on the services and as such the services should always be available. To meet this requirement, the quality is desired that the service is available 24/7, without unnecessary interruptions. Meeting specification This is an important quality standard aimed at ensuring that the specifications requirements set by clients are observed. All work should be evaluated at completion to check if they meeting the specifications of the clients. Effectiveness This dimension cannot be ignor ed within service delivery. Overall quality is largely dependent on service delivery as well as norm effectiveness. Basically it address the question, â€Å"Does service delivery procedure if correctly applied result into desirable outcome?†and is the delivery approach the most technologically appropriate. Effectiveness issues form the pillars upon which managers/administrators reforms and adapt them to locally applicable conditions. It involves comparison of potential benefits to detriments. For instance how effectively will changing the machines used impact on service delivery. Interpersonal Relations Interpersonal relation’s dimension defines the interaction between service providers, clients, as well as other stakeholders. Good relations are based on trust and credibility which arise from demonstration of respect, information confidentiality, and responsiveness to client needs, and empathy (Paul, 1998). Effective listening and communication should be encouraged as a way of bridging rapport barriers. Clients who are treated inhumanely during their visits are likely to desist from visiting the facility or even seek services from the place. Continuity Continuity dimensions refer to the receipt of a complete range of services by patients without unnecessary interruption or cessations. There is need for service provision in a continuous manner and clients should have routine access to service.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Remote Deposit Capture Project: Quality management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Quality Testing The dimensions listed as well as others which may not have been highlighted can only be achieved if quality testing is regularly run. Testing can take two forms including client interviews and quantitative analysis. Client response via interviews is a reliable means of accessing service delivery (Cianfrani, West, 2009). Similarly, quantitative analysis off ers an avenue for factual evaluation of the level to which quality standards are being observed. Pareto analysis is used in evaluation of problems within this case study (see chart below). Given that quality is an important factor in both successfulness and longevity of organizations, it is important that each organization develops quality control tools. Pareto analysis is one such tool and is based on 80/20 rule originally developed by Vilifredo Pareto, who noticed that only 20% of the population holds 80% of the society’s wealth. Pareto analysis basically asserts 80% of the quality issues with services or products are often caused by only 20% of the 20% of the problems in services and goods. Logically it is necessary to separate the ‘crucial few’ issues from the many that are trivial. This means that the few issues that are crucial to functioning can be solved to hugely benefit the end service quality. Upon problem identification, the 20% which cause 80% of th e problem can be eliminated or remedied appropriately and hence service quality efficiency is regained. Conclusion In conclusion it is important to note that most of the issues arise from allowing multiple scanning checks at once and hence this is the lead problem to be addressed.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Pareto has helped in identification of the problems which should be prioritized in addressing quality issues within the organization. It is basically a reinstatement of the importance of adopting quality tools in managing quality within organizations. References Cianfrani, C. A. West, J. E. (2009). Cracking the Case of ISO 9001:2008 for Service: A Simple Guide to Implementing Quality Management to Service Organizations (2nd Ed.). Milwaukee: American Society for Quality. pp. 5-7 Lee, V. (2010). Quality Management. Pharmaceutical Research Journal, 17(3), pp. 251 -262. Paul, H. S. (December 1998). â€Å"Sales Process Engineering: An Emerging Quality Application†. Quality Progress, 59–63. Rose, K. H. (2005). Project Quality Management: Why, What and How. Fort Lauderdale, Florida: J. Ross Publishing. p. 41. Weber, H. (2009). Roots causes of quality related malpractices. Journal for Healthcare Quality, 38(3), 561 -572. This essay on Remote Deposit Capture Project: Quality management was written and submitted by user Richard Morton to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Monopolies
The corporations of today are much different than the corporations of ten years ago. Corporate mergers, which occur every month, are creating threatening giants, and companies going to court for years at a time battling over the same issue â€Å"are they a monopoly or not†? IBM merged ten years ago and Microsoft is merging right now. In order to come to a conclusion on this decade old question, you first must know the facts about what a monopoly is and what it takes to create one. What constitutes a monopoly? One more of the following elements must be present: (1) control of a major resource necessary to produce a product; (2) technological capabilities that allow a single firm to produce at reasonable prices all the output of a particular commodity or service; (3) exclusive control over a patent on a product or on the processes used to produce the product; (4) a government franchise that awards a company the sole right to produce a commodity or service in a given area. Edwin Mansfield, a political scientists, said, â€Å"for a monopoly to be effective there must be no practical substitutes for the product or service sold, and no serious threat of the entry of a competitor into the market†(23). This enables the seller to control the price. In the late 19th century the tendencies inherent in a free competitive economic order brought about new changes. In Great Britain, the United States, and other industrial nations, giant business firms began to emerge and dominate the economy. In part, this stemmed from the empire-building tactics of the captains of industry, such as the American entrepreneur John D. Rockefeller, who drove most competitors from the field. It also came about because of technological advances that enabled a handful of large firms to satisfy the demand in many markets. The result was not a complete monopoly but, rather, an economic order known as oligopoly. From the late 19th century onward, the U.S. has attempt... Free Essays on Monopolies Free Essays on Monopolies The corporations of today are much different than the corporations of ten years ago. Corporate mergers, which occur every month, are creating threatening giants, and companies going to court for years at a time battling over the same issue â€Å"are they a monopoly or not†? IBM merged ten years ago and Microsoft is merging right now. In order to come to a conclusion on this decade old question, you first must know the facts about what a monopoly is and what it takes to create one. What constitutes a monopoly? One more of the following elements must be present: (1) control of a major resource necessary to produce a product; (2) technological capabilities that allow a single firm to produce at reasonable prices all the output of a particular commodity or service; (3) exclusive control over a patent on a product or on the processes used to produce the product; (4) a government franchise that awards a company the sole right to produce a commodity or service in a given area. Edwin Mansfield, a political scientists, said, â€Å"for a monopoly to be effective there must be no practical substitutes for the product or service sold, and no serious threat of the entry of a competitor into the market†(23). This enables the seller to control the price. In the late 19th century the tendencies inherent in a free competitive economic order brought about new changes. In Great Britain, the United States, and other industrial nations, giant business firms began to emerge and dominate the economy. In part, this stemmed from the empire-building tactics of the captains of industry, such as the American entrepreneur John D. Rockefeller, who drove most competitors from the field. It also came about because of technological advances that enabled a handful of large firms to satisfy the demand in many markets. The result was not a complete monopoly but, rather, an economic order known as oligopoly. From the late 19th century onward, the U.S. has attempt... Free Essays on Monopolies You are driving on the highway when suddenly a limousine cuts you off. You look around to see if anything had caused this action. Nothing looks amiss, just a couple of cars a truck or two and a jeep on the highway. Little do you realize that the jeep is a Ford Explorer, and the person in the limousine is a Ford executive who knows how dangerous the jeep can be. Numerous people over the years have been injured and killed, when their Ford Explorer flipped over while driving. From its inception it was known that it performed poorly in rollover tests. That didn’t stop Ford from putting it on the market, because they knew it was going to be a huge moneymaker. The questions are why wasn’t anything done to stop this product from being allowed on the street? Who should have been responsible? What can be done in the future to make sure this doesn’t happen again? Would it be so shocking to say that that big business, huge corporations have taken over? Are they the one’s deciding what is right and wrong? Lets be reasonable what can be so wrong with a jeep if it’s the best selling jeep in America. All anyone cares about these days is market price, what does Wall Street think of us. This is the same company who in the 1970’s actually had the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) put a value on a human life (about $200,000). They then used this number against the cost of modifying the Ford Pinto that was known to have a faulty gas tank, to decide whether it was worth fixing it or not. Finally, a recall was ordered, but only after being on the market for 7 years and 28 lives lost. The government has deregulated the market to the point where there really is no one watching over the auto industry. In Reagan’s 1980 presidential campaign he declared,†the US auto industry is being regulated to deathà ¢â‚¬ . This took place right after the Pinto incident. Instead of harsher regulations for messing up, the government decided t...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Nurses and groups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Nurses and groups - Essay Example No doubt, group therapy is capable of yielding â€Å"empowering experiences†to the patients and the group members can both â€Å"serve as change agents and facilitators†(Norcross & Goldfried, 2005, p. 366). Group therapies, in general, aim at promoting the self-esteem and emotional well-being of the participants and person centered group therapies rely on the potential of the clients to find solutions for their own problems. The therapist remains as a catalyst agent who initiates change among the group members through congruence, unconditional positive regard and empathy (Rogers, 1989). Studies have shown that person centered group therapies are highly beneficial to such groups of people who suffer from depression and substance abuse (Corey 2011). Similarly, people with depression are more likely to suffer from feelings of alienation, loneliness, and isolation and group therapies are capable of offering solace to them (Anxiety & Panic Disorders Health Center, 2012). T his paper seeks to design a six weeks person centered group therapy session for people with depression and in doing so the paper deals with the target population, outlines the purpose and objectives of the therapy sessions, explains the various theoretical aspects of the person centered therapy approach, analyses the role of the therapist as well as the group members during the therapy sessions, and finally evaluates the effectiveness of the group therapy on the people with depression. Methodology and target group for the therapy The target population for the person centered therapy consists of 30 people with depression who will randomly be selected. These target population can comprise of those who already undergo treatment for depression or those who are identified as depressed people. Six sessions of person centered group therapy will be administered on the target population. The goals and objectives of each therapeutic session will be determined beforehand. An evaluation regardi ng the accomplishment of these objectives will be done at the end of each session. At the end of all the therapy sessions an overall evaluation of the effectiveness of the person centered therapy on the participants will also be undertaken comparing and contrasting the physical and mental well being of each participants before and after the therapy sessions. The purpose and objectives of the therapy sessions The group therapy aims at the overall physical and mental well-being of all the participants. The ultimate aim of the therapy is to see the participants come out of their depressed state. For this, it is essential that the therapist creates an open and accepting climate within the group so as to promote positive self-concept, self-direction, self-acceptance, of self-respect and personal worth, and self-actualization among the participants. Similarly, following the key principles of person centered approach the therapist needs to maintain sense congruence, unconditional positive regard, and empathy towards the participants all throughout the therapeutic alliance. The objectives of each of the therapy sessions are briefly mentioned below: Session one: The first session of the therapy aims at building rapport and trust between the therapist and the participants.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Health Care Policies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Health Care Policies - Assignment Example Domestic violence act protects one against one from abuse. Domestic violence is behaviors that one has with the aim of achieving control of other partners. Domestic violence in a society can include several activities that require one to be protected from. Abuse can include physical attacks which can come through sexual relationships that are forced, harassment and verbal abuse with demeaning comments, threats, creating a disturbance at one's territory, spying on one and child abuse. When these activities occur in a place, there are actions and policies that can be used to take action for those that perfume the acts. Domestic violence can be controlled in different ways in different types of courts. In criminal courts, the state is able to arraign the abuser (Greer, 2009). Possible crimes that can be handled in these situations include murder, rape, kidnapping, assault and elder abuse. In civil courts, one is able to address the issues that occur due to harassment and money damages. In the court, one can be held responsible for personal injury and sexual harassment. Divorce and family courts are also used to protect from domestic violence. Court Order of Protection is a policy that has been put protects again domestic violence. The policy makes the special need of one that has been abused to be addressed. The policy is able to order the abuser to stay away from the one abused and prevent contact through phone email or mail (Greer, 2009). For the policy to be applied there must be proof that there was the intention of violence. These are legal rights that govern reproduction. Reproduction rights include the right to birth control, right to safe and legal abortion, freedom of contraception and sterilization and also the right to access reproductive health care of good quality. Reproductive rights also give one the opportunity to access education on matters that concern sex and the infections that occur.
Monday, November 18, 2019
All in a Days Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
All in a Days Work - Essay Example I feel that Ann did not handle these issues effectively. She could have set committees to discuss these issues and give her a response about what needs to be done as soon as possible. Ann is a highly involving manager. This is can be seen through the number of tasks that awaits her to accomplish just in a single day. From the case, it is clear that Ann is directly responsible for employee’s salaries, technologies applied to accomplish work in the company as well as training and development of the employees. She also has various meetings with the executive and other meetings with the lower level employees. She likes accomplishing tasks on the order of priority and ensures she delivers on her duties. Ann usually has busy days at work and still creates time to attend meetings and even respond to emails sent by employees. She, therefore, meets almost all employees’ requirement. The only problem with her management system is that Ann tends to react more to issues instead of applying the proactive measures to curb them. It can be seen from the case that theirs is a high employee turnover in the company. This should be the first evidence that the employees are a source of competitive advantage. There should be a higher employee motivation though high starting salaries and other benefits to retain them (Roy, Donald, Bowen, & Hall, 1988). This way, the company will have best workers and spend less on training new employees. Secondly, there is a requirement for training and developing the employees. This is another source of competitive advantage that the company can exploit. The issue will make the company have employees who are knowledgeable about the new technological advancement so that increase efficiency and effectiveness while accomplishing their tasks.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Sports nutrition in swimming
Sports nutrition in swimming BMS-3033             SPORT NUTRITION URN6041693 Choose a sport of your choice. Critically discuss the nutritional requirements of this sport. Give examples where appropriate to illustrate your answer Swimming is a very competitive sport worldwide with different events like 50 to 1500 meters with time duration of 22s to 16 minutes respectively. Moreover, with four different strokes freestyle, butterfly, breaststroke and backstroke. With typical training programs with the aim to increase lean body mass, and decrease body fat levels over the season Petersen et al. (2006). Sport nutrition plays a very important role especially for elite athletes. The goal of this essay is to discus more specifically the dietary needs for athletes that compete in the 50 and 100 meters distance events. In the 50 and 100 meters events in particular event swimmers relies on the production of large power outputs with highly coordinated and efficient technique in a short range of time. This power output rely on the anaerobic glycolysis and high energy phosphates. Therefore, the main type of muscle fibre developed in athletes in training for 50 and 100 meters event is Type2 a and 2 b of muscle due to the speed of contraction, short length of time, anaerobic capacity using high energy phosphates (ATP and creatine phosphate) and glycogen as fuel, however due to the nature of the high intensity aerobic activity with training sessions from 1.5 up to 4 hours a day there is no question that type 1 fibres muscle is developed. Training Overall training programs for elite swimmers are based on experience of successful coaches rather than scientific evidence of superior performance outcomes. There seems to have difference in opinions among coaches regarding to training sessions. Some opt for training only in the pool and others use less sessions in the pool (more specific training) but add cycling and running sessions to improve aerobic capacity. Generally the pool workouts consist of aerobic warm-up and cool downs, training aims to improve techniques in starts and turns, and sets of repeated bouts of swimming at different intensities depending on the goal wanted, in this case sprint. Moreover, generally 40% of the training intensity less than 80% of VO2max, from 40% to 60% at intensities of 80% vo2max, and less than 5% at >100% Vo2max.             Sherman and maglischo (1992) have estimated the energy requirement of swimming training at approximately 16.8 to 22.6 for males working 4 hours a day and between 14.2 to 16.8 MJ .day-1( for females working 4hours a day, although these factors will vary within each athlete physical condition and technique performance. Nutritional Chalenges The nutritional issues and challenges for swimmers are to prepare a nutrition strategy to provide fuel to cope with large energy demand, promote recovery for each session, achieve optimal levels of lean body mass and body fat as well as keep the vitamins and minerals within normal levels during the different phases of training in the season (E.g. high volume training, taper or off-season). However, swimmers struggle to cope with large energy needs not only for training but for competition some common issues are presented below: Training High energy requirements due to fluctuations in growth patterns (growth spurt in adolescents), changes in training volume or simply active gain of muscle mass. Irregular eating patterns due to a busy time table. Social and cultural issues. Poor nutritional knowledge. Adjusting energy intake Competition Adjusting energy intake during taper to prevent excessive gain of weight and body fat. Adequate fuel stores for the day of competition. Postrace recovery between different competitions or between heats, semifinals, and finals. Training program vs. competition nutritional requirement Therefore the nutritional requirement in order of priority for pre-training, training and post training (same for competition) are: rehydration, refuelling and recovery. Pre-training Training Post training Consideration in use of supplements.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
A Critical Essay on Edgar Allan Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher (1
The twenty first century author Alexandra Iftodi Zamfir (1986- ) argues that â€Å"architecture and settings are more important in Gothic fiction than in any other type of literature†¦all architectural elements are closely connected with Gothic protagonists and the plot.†(Zamfir. 2011: 15). This critical essay will first consider and analyse this statement and investigate the style, language and form of the American author Edgar Allan Poe’s (1809-1849) macabre and Gothic fictional prose The Fall of the House of Usher (1839) (Poe. 1987: 1). I shall present and argue how the artistic effects deployed in the narrative structure create an atmosphere of tension and suspense, through the exploration of architectural space demonstrated in a close reading and analysis from key passages of the text. The Fall of the House of Usher was written by the American author and poet Edgar Allan Poe, it first featured as a Gothic short story in Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine in (1839) (Hayes. 2002: xvii). Poe was writing at a time of immense change to social, economic and cultural conditions following the technological advancements of the Industrial Revolution (1750-1850), his work on The Fall of the House of Usher could be said to show an impact of Western society’s internal and external fragmentation. (Montagna: 2006). As stated by Zamfir â€Å"the universe portrayed in the House of Usher is Poe’s most sublime†¦in humanizing a dwelling to portray the inner self of the Gothic hero, but it also represents an investigation of the self in a state of disintegration.†(Zamfir. 2011: 62). This process of disintegration is both reflected within the architectural structure of the house itself; as the building gradually corrodes, in addition to that of the ps... ..._of_Space_in_Gothic_Architecture. [Accessed 11th May 2012] Giordano, R. (2005-2011) An Exploration of Short Stories by Edgar Allan Poe. [On-line] Available from: [Accessed 24th September 2011] Gunn, A.G. (1997-2002) Cyclopaedia of Ghost Story Writers. [On-line] Available from: [Accessed 24th September 2011] Hallqvist, C. (2001) The Poe Decoder. [On-line] Available from: [Accessed 24th September 2011] Montagna, J.A. (2006) The Industrial Revolution. [On-line] Available from: [Accessed 11th May 2012] Pridmore, J. (1998-2011) Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849). [On-line] Available from: [Accessed 24th September 2011]
Monday, November 11, 2019
Research About Students with Parents Working Abroad Essay
Tool. A person or a thing used to accomplish another’s purposes, to convey, & somebody who is manipulated to carry out tasks. It also refers to the process of how the data of this study is gathered & collected. (Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009.  © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation.) Spirituality. The quality or condition of being spiritual. It also refers to the subject of the study which is one of the many roles that a nurse has, & it is relentlessly provided to the appropriate respondents. (Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009.  © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation.) Hospital. An institution where people receive medical, surgical, or psychiatric treatment and nursing care. It also refers to the location of the study conducted. (Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009.  © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation.) Experience. Knowledge or skill gained through being involved in or exposed to something over a period of time. It is used as the extent of the respondent’s awareness. (Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009.  © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation.) Practice. To work in a profession, especially law or medicine. Refers to the respondent’s profession which is adopted in the study. (Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009.  © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation.) Patient. Somebody who receives medical treatment. It is the respondents in the SACH which is given spirituality care by the nurse respondents. It also refers to one of the subjects of the study. (Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009.  © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation.) Demographic Data. The characteristics of a human population or part of it, especially its size, growth, density, distribution, and statistics regarding birth, marriage, disease, and death. In this study it refers to the number of respondents in SACH that is to be used in the study. (Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009.  © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation.) Level of Awareness. Relating to or having knowledge of something from having observed it or been told about it. In this study, it represents the total number of correctness of the respondents to the answers in the provided questionnaires on their level of awareness about spiritual care in both nurses & patients in SACH.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Rene Descartes The Proof for the Obvious. The Existence of the Truth Is Questioned
Rene Descartes The Proof for the Obvious. The Existence of the Truth Is Questioned Believing fully, regardless of any scientific or logical means of proving the idea wrong is pretty much the basis of any faith. In a slight departure from arguing whether the Creator actually exists or is merely a figment of people’s imagination, Rene Descartes preferred touching upon the reasonability of faith, i.e., believing in God.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Rene Descartes: The Proof for the Obvious. The Existence of the Truth Is Questioned specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Taking a closer look at the arguments that the philosopher offered, one can possibly figure out whether they make a completely coherent and logical string of ideas or if there are certain issues that slipped their attention. However, there is an even more interesting idea in Descartes’ Mediator’s train of thoughts, namely, the rejection of the ultimate truth. Descartes claims the following: Nevertheless, the belief tha t there is a God who is all powerful, and who created me, such as I am, has, for a long time, obtained steady possession of my mind. How, then, do I know that he has not arranged that there should be neither earth, nor sky, nor any extended thing, nor figure, nor magnitude, nor place, providing at the same time, however, for [the rise in me of the perceptions of all these objects, and] the persuasion that these do not exist otherwise than as I perceive them ? (Descartes) Hence, the fact that people perceive the everyday reality the only possible right way is questioned. To put it in a more simple language, one can no longer be one hundred percent sure that what people call a red color is truly red. Thus, not only the qualities, but also the existence of the elements of the everyday world is questioned. If stretched to its logical maximum, the given idea leads to the suggestion that the entire world is merely a figment of someone’s imagination. Even though Descartes argues the absurdity of the given idea by saying â€Å"I think, therefore, I exist†(â€Å"Cogito ergo sum†(Descartes)), it can be still argued that one’s thoughts are the exact proof of the existence of reality. According to Descartes, a single idea produced by a human being proves the fact of the existence. However, if pushing the question of reality as it is even further, one can suggest that the thought itself can actually be an element of a dream, like one of those fantastic dream sequences that people have. To put it simple, the thoughts and ideas that people have can actually be the part of someone else’s well-planned reality, like the elements of a strategy game. Therefore, it is clear that the arguments which Descartes offers are rather provocative. Even though they drive to the commonly known â€Å"I think; therefore, I exist†(Descartes), they still leave a lot of food for thoughts. Raising the question of whether the world is a reality or merely a part of someone’s consciousness triggers a range of the most intriguing issues to discuss, such as what happens when the supposed dreamer wakes up or starts dreaming about another universe.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Intense and thought-provoking, the idea that the world might be not actually what people see it, but something quite different might seem absurdly plausible, may actually turn true. Vast and truly immense, a world is filled with riddles, and mistaking while tying to understand it is the only way to approach the truth. Descartes, Rene, n.d., Meditations on First Philosophy. 28 Sept. 2012.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
War on Terrorism How to Cope with the Global Threat
War on Terrorism How to Cope with the Global Threat The war on terrorism is discussed as one of the most important and controversial questions concerning the global peace and development. The questions involve a lot of ethical and political issues which need the immediate solution because terrorist attacks become more frequent and crueler.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on War on Terrorism: How to Cope with the Global Threat? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Terrorism is often defined as the crime against humanity, the actions of terrorists are unpredictable, and terrorist attacks cause deaths of thousands of innocent people globally every year. The war on terrorism developed by the global organizations and by the US administration is directed toward defending the civil population from the cruelty of terrorists and toward weakening the forces of terrorist leading to the absolute destruction of terroristic organizations. However, the US politicians can face the significa nt problem while choosing the approach to fight. Following the liberal visions, many politicians along with Barack Obama are inclined to focus on the war on terrorism which is not against the abstract evil, but against the concrete organizations and their goals. Although the threat of terroristic actions against the civil population can be discussed as the terrifying reality today, the war on terrorism should not be ‘blind’ and based on extremes and active aggressive actions against immigrants, Muslims, or representatives of the radical movements in the United States because the war on terrorism is the conflict of only political, military, and social organizations’ visions. The war on terrorism cannot be discussed as the war between the good and evil which end will result in the victory of one of the sides. Terroristic organizations have definite goals according to which their activities are organized. These goals are based on political and military aspects as we ll as social questions. That is why, the war on terrorism should also depend on these factors, preventing events when the civil population can suffer from aggressive actions and misbalanced strategies of the anti-terror organizations.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The terroristic attack at the Boston Marathon provoked the intensification and development of the further discussion associated with the war on terrorism and methods used by the US authorities to prevent the worsening of the situation. Following the blasts at the Boston Marathon, President Obama said that they would find the persons responsible for the attack and would focus on the reasons for the terroristic attacks (Eligon and Cooper). Later, the authorities focused on two suspects, the Tsarnaev brothers. The persons responsible for the attacks were found, but causes for the cruel actions against the public re main the key questions which are not answered adequately as any other similar questions associated with the terrorist attacks (Schmitt et al.). As a result, the waves of suspicion are coming again, leading to a lot of extreme actions and violating the privacy rights. In spite of the fact the war on terrorism is the priority of not only the US administration but also of the global community, the approaches to win the war should be chosen according to the principles of balance and justice. The war cannot be just because of its nature. The war on terrorism can follow the principles of justice if it is directed toward preventing terroristic actions rather than toward fighting terrorists as a result of military actions. On the one hand, the war on terrorism is the political and military problem that is why the rules of warfare can be used effectively. On the other hand, a lot of the civil people can become victims of the military actions and specific anti-terror strategies. Thus, the bal anced measures to prevent terroristic acts should be developed.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on War on Terrorism: How to Cope with the Global Threat? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Nevertheless, there is one more challenge associated with the increased social and governmental suspicion. The war on terrorism should not become the cause for limiting the foreign and immigration polices. The threat of acts of terrorism should no be discussed as the reason for discriminating Muslims or violating privacy rights and civil liberties. Such actions as the implementation of cameras in the public places or limitations in relation to immigration and foreign policies should be discussed publicly with the help of polls and referendums (Schmitt et al.). It is rather difficult to develop the effective policy in relation to the war on terrorism because terrorists are not oriented to the peaceful regulation of the conflict. Thus, mi llions of people are at risk of becoming victims of the terrorist act every day. Paying more attention to suspicious persons and behaviours, authorities are inclined to prevent cruelty and mass killings of the civil population. However, it is important to control the intrusion into the private aspects of the people’s life. Today, many Americans agree with the balanced approaches followed by President Obama and Democratic Party in regulating the problems of terrorism. Although the question is rather controversial, and it is a challenge to assess this or that approach to overcoming the problem of the war on terrorism, it is important to concentrate on the clear idea that the war on terrorism should be developed, but with references to the effective methods.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The problem can be overcome if the situation of begging the question in the governmental discussions can be regulated appropriately (Kahane and Cavender 59). The other issue is the inconsistent visions of politicians in relation to the war on terrorism and approaches to develop the war. Thus, the strategy can be discussed as effective when politicians avoid their ‘blowing with the wind’, and the main state strategy is followed directly (Kahane and Cavender 55). Organization and consistence are the key factors in coping with the problematic questions. Security and peace can be achieved with the help of controlled and organized authorities’ actions and strategies. As a result, there are two rather opposite approaches to developing the war on terrorism. The supporters of the idea of active actions concentrate on effective military strategies and the persecution of Muslims. The followers of more peaceful methods discuss the ideas of decreasing the public privacy and limiting the immigration of Muslims in the USA. Two approaches can be discussed as rather provocative and cannot guarantee the positive results in the war on terrorism. Following this or that strategy, it is possible to intensify the conflict and provoke new attacks because civil liberties of many people can be violated. That is why, politicians should focus on the most balanced policy against terrorists which can protect the civil public and become the real threat for terrorists. To contribute to the effective results, the actions oriented to tokenism should be avoided. The combination of the mentioned approaches with references to the idea of the population’s protection and focus on civil rights and liberties can be used to regulate the conflict at the stage of prevention or at the military stage without threatening thousands of people. Eligon, John, and Michael Cooper. Blasts at Boston Marathon Kill 3 and Injure 100. 15 Apr. 2013. Web. Kahane, Howard, and Nancy Cavender. Logic And Contemporary Rhetoric: The Use Of Reason In Everyday Life. USA: Cengage Learning, 2006. Print. Schmitt, Eric, Mark Mazzetti, Michael Schmidt, and Scott Shane. Boston Plotters Said to Initially Target July 4 for Attack. 02 May 2013. Web.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Logistic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Logistic Management - Essay Example Outsourcing companies face the loss of tax benefits due to hiring foreign full-time workers. Federal tax penalties can also be imposed on outsourcing companies so as to boost domestic job creation. Reduction of the damage inflicted to goods in transits plays a vital function in cutting the costs of supplying the said goods. Companies, therefore, bear the responsibility of ensuring the safety of goods they are charged to transport. To achieve this, a company can establish policies that ensure their safety. Such policies include those covering package, insurance and providing appropriate means of transport. A company should ensure that the appropriate packing of the goods is done to secure them firmly to avoid rocking while in transit. Fragile goods sustain damage due to undesired movement during transportation. To secure fragile goods firmly during transportation, the use of products such as bubble wraps is employed. Companies have also use insurance to cover damages that may be incurred in transit; it also covers theft (Bowersox et al., 2012). The BUS 320 unit is a crucial course for decision-making in a company, as it shows the importance of weighing one’s decisions appropriately to come up with logical solutions. This way, after taking the course, the business person in an individual is brought out so that any vital aspects of a business can be factored and all perspectives covered. In this light, there is no room for errors, as all issues are dealt with effectively. In addition, this decision-making course allows for sound policies to be generated and implemented so that the institution that one works for or with ends up getting the best there is. This also applies to decisions that involve high risk business ventures as the higher the risk, the higher the returns. However, as this is not always the case, one can again look at all the aspects of the actions taken. This class provides sound skills and knowledge of the
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Columbia HCA Fraud Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Columbia HCA Fraud Case - Essay Example My goal is to relate the case to the subject of Business Ethics and derive important lessons on how business should be conducted. Reading thru the case study, we can discern the numerous causal factors of the federal investigation of Columbia/ HCA. From what I can understand, the investigation was brought about by a combination of internal and external factors which is presented below: It was started in June 1996 by Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin that the Medicare program will go broke by 2001 with the way funds are being spent. Expenditures were increasing exponentially with $160 billion for the 1994 fiscal year. That's about $440 million per day. By the year 2003, it is projected that it will mushroom to $380 billion or $1 billion per day according to the Congressional Budget Office. As a general observation, any activity that increases or decreases suddenly is subject to the curiosity of other people especially when it involves large amounts of money. This being the case, it only took a matter of time before it caught the attention of government authorities who have become very keen in finding ways to eliminate unnecessary expenditures and catching fraudulent transactions. The arguments used by the managers to justify the large increase in Medicare costs was the increase in efficiency, more expensive equipment and better accounting practices. These arguments alone are enough to stir speculations because Medicare expenditures should rise due to the rise in harder-to-treat diseases requiring more expensive medication. Does it make sense then that there was an increase in acute and chronic disease when the health care service became more efficient Does it mean those doctors in the past misdiagnosed patients and when Columbia/HCA came into the picture, they suddenly became experts in diagnosis (Remember that most of the doctors were still those under the past management) New Legislation Protecting Whistleblowers Whistleblowers are those that expose the anomalies of their employees, partners, and co-employees. Anomalous activities, in this case, refers to fraudulent acts that cheat the government (and consequently the taxpayers) of their money. It may include tax evasion and false claims. In the past, whistleblowers were exposed to retribution by the entities who they claim is engaged in anomalous activities. They could only expect minimal attention from the authorities and if ever they were given such attention, they could only expect minimal legal assistance so why bother being one Unless you have very deep grievances against the person, being a whistleblower was a risky venture. With the new legislation, more legal protection for the whistleblower was provided. Incentives were also offered such as the 30% of the recovered money going to the whistleblower which was mentioned in the reading. With the combination of these two important measures, whistle-blowing became a less risky venture. The focus of Government Authorities in Stemming Corruption.
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