Monday, September 30, 2019
Mgx Assignment
Negotiated Agreements/eliminative/Protective Techniques of Long-term Strategies ill. Use of Personal Relationships lb. Proactive Strategies 1 OFF it. Development Introduction The world of business is becoming overcrowded every day, and companies have to develop strategies on a global basis. Political, legal, cultural and economic circumstances vary significantly around the world. Even though investing in an international market may require intensive capital, the reward of such a business ay be enormous.The sale of products and services in another country enables the company to increase its sales, expand the products life cycle, improve brand recognition, and reduce the risks of operating in a single market (Hill, 2009). Before choosing a foreign country for business, numerous aspects have to be considered. For instance, one must consider the nature of politics in that country as well as the political risks involved. Political risks entail the hazardous impacts that political events o r decisions may have on a business. Such risks range from corruption, tax laws, and protests to wars.To manage these risks, companies must carry out comprehensive research beforehand. Some countries may be extremely conservatives while others may be easy to do business (Harrison, 2009). This paper will examine the political aspects affecting entry into an emerging country in comparison to entry into a less developed country. Special attention will be given to Brazil and Bangladesh. Political Aspects Related to Brazil There are different political systems in Brazil that are likely to affect business. To certain extent, these risks subject the country's investors and their investment at take.An examination of Brazier's political environment indicates that Brazil is a federal republic made up of 26 states and a capital district. It has a dynamic multi- party system of government with twenty parties represented within its congress, this is to suggest that it is a democratic state. The q uality and effectiveness of the government services and infrastructure are continuously being improved by the government Jeffrey, 2011). Despite the massive improvements that have been witnessed in Brazil, the country still grapples with corruption related risks that may hinder business.These cases were most prevalent during the reign of the former president Luis Niacin â€Å"Lull†Dad Silva. After taking office in 2002, the president was instrumental in improving the country's poor economic condition. However, scandals tainted his presidency especially in 2007 when it was discovered that government officials were participating in trade of municipal properties. Political protests are a common sight in the streets of key cities in Brazil. This is usually done by local groupings pushing for certain agendas to be addressed by the government.Such protestors' tendency to involve violence, looting and destruction of property. For instance, Brazil witnessed a considerable number of protests against ALCOA which intended to set up a hydroelectric power plant in the country in 2004. The protests were sparked by the environmental groups who wanted the company to consider mitigating environmental damages in its project (Hill, 2009). Another risk of doing businesses in Brazil is that of rampant police brutality and gang violence. It is estimated that approximately 50,000 homicides are reported every year in the country.It is also alleged that the police are often behind numerous extra judicial executions. This has tainted the image of what is by far one of the most prominent economies in Latin America (Hefted, 2007). While the country presents numerous reasons that defend its position as a strong market, entry requires extensive research and planning. Regardless of the company's consideration, be it acquisitions or restructuring, it needs to understand the strategic and fiscal impact of such decisions and the fore mentioned implementation risks.Appreciating where th e opportunities and risks are positioned, the size of each opportunity and what opponents are doing will arm the company with the confidence to enter the Brazilian arrest (Derek, 2006). Political Aspects Related to Bangladesh Like Brazil, Bangladesh has also experienced massive growth in its political systems. For instance, the country has witnessed the transition of power to democratically elected leaders. Despite this significant change, there are still confrontational tendencies within the political front.In 2007, for instance, the government was forced to declare a state of emergency after the opposition protested against the ruling presidency of Sheik Hessian Waged. This has, over the course of time, had negative repercussions on foreign business growth (Theodore, 010). Moreover, party politics between the opposition Bangladesh Nationalists Party (BAN) and Bangladesh Miami League (AL) remain rife. It seems neither of the two can back down from confrontations on how to run the g overnment. The ongoing trails on war crimes too catalyst the political unrests.In fact, these tribunals still have a long way to go before issue of verdicts. However, the courts already issued the first ruling which is expected to stabilize the political air. This goes a distance to remove the fear that Psalmists wars could have begun. The political climate is relatively tense for doing business. Recent cases of violence have been reported in areas around Southeast Chitchatting. Such violence is characterized by ethnic clashes between those in support of a democratic regime and those who desire the status quo to remain. The political risk is further heightened by a high level of poverty and inflation.It is estimated that roughly one in every three Bangladesh is afflicted with abject poverty. Moreover, thousands demonstrate in the streets against the arrest of their trade-union leader. Significantly, the government loses grip of maintaining law and order hence scaring off possible in vestors. It is no doubt that a country that lacks democratic systems and effective leadership is bound to repel economic growth. Political risks play a significant role of barring investors from investing in the country for fear that their businesses would be at stake.This comparison has shown the aspects of doing business in both Brazil and Bangladesh. Over the past decade, Brazil has become a progressively attractive and profitable market for international companies. More companies are seen to shift their focus on this emerging economy. Entering Brazil is good, however it's not easy cause of the immense competition and the availability of business know-how among other reasons (Peabody, 2005). On the other hand, Bangladesh is a less developed country whose economy major depends on the garments industry.Entry into this country is relatively easy because government restrictions are not deterrent to foreign business. All the same, Brazil is a favorite of many because of the immense po tential for profitability. Regardless of a relatively splendid performance in the last two decades, the Bangladesh economy is plagued with numerous structural weaknesses, which are yet to be addressed. Some of the significant issues include an incapacitated public sector, intellectualized financial sector, lack of export diversification, poor infrastructure, and pervasive corruption (Scheme, 2004).The failure of the government to address these long-standing problems has adversely affected the investment environment. On the other hand, Brazier's problems are on a lower scale, and the government is seen to put structures in place in order to develop all of its sectors. Compared to Brazil, Bangladesh is a poor economy characterized by a vast population living in rural areas. The main economic activity is agriculture armament manufacturing, but many businesses are seen to shift into the service and production industries. The case of Brazil is that of relative advancement.The country has a mature democracy, sustainable infrastructure and relative ease of doing business. Overcoming Political Risks Multi-national companies wishing to invest in the foreign market must develop long-term strategies based on intensive market research. They must be able to exercise their existing position relatively well and ensure they maximize on their experience in order to succeed. Depending on existing strategies, companies should insider entering into a venture arrangement with the local representatives or distributors.This is cheaper and will be made easier if the venture company operates the same business. However, any contract agreement should include terms that permit for local production through a Joint venture, an acquisition, or a new plant. Additionally, when entering through these avenues, companies should always embark on a due diligence assessment and channel analysis. This will go a long way in managing any potential political risks (Guppy, 2006). The use of existing adv antages within the multinational company will enable it to have a bargaining rower over the foreign nation.This will work well with corporations who have large economies of scale that can enable them to influence key business decisions in the host country (Hill, 2009). An entry strategy that maximizes on the use of personal relationships will auger well with any foreign situation. Many foreign companies are known to license distributors or dealers to represent their products and services on a non-exclusive or exclusive basis. As these companies become more ascertained in multinational company gains immense power ensuring that the host country doesn't interfere with its affairs.This is referred to as an integrative technique. Another choice that may minimize political risk would be the operation companies from distant offices situated in politically stable countries either in Southeast Asia or India. The whole company or a part of it may be operated remotely (Hefted, 2007). This is r egarded as a protective technique. On other occasions, a multinational corporation may foresee certain future hardships while operating in a foreign country. In this case, it will be crucial to adopt a proactive approach to manage these risks.This strategy entails the use of campaign financing and intensive lobbying to push the host government towards handling the foreseen adversities. By so doing, the impact of those risks will be reduced before they reach the company. Managing political risks requires the use of negotiated agreements that involve all the necessary stakeholders. For instance, ALCOA managed its risks by agreeing to terms demanded by the protestors. This included an agreement to compensate all citizens who were resettled following the launch of the hydroelectric project.Similarly, they adopted the use of environmental consultants to assist in the taxation of environmental damage (Hefted, 2007). Similarly, cases of corruption and economic risks may be managed through the hiring of transparent agencies or via diversification of products to other countries. However, sometimes the multinational company may consider withdrawing altogether if the terms are too hostile. Conclusion In conclusion, it is fundamental to note that any decision to enter into international business must be accompanied by an assessment of the potential risks and threats. Political factors form the most crucial part of this assessment.This is rue because the political environment of any country has the potential to influence how business is carried out (Itchy, 2010). Given Brazier's financial stability and immense support from the state, many investors are streaming into the country. Bangladesh, on the other hand, still lurks behind in terms of political maturity and economic growth. It requires a new company to adopt various entry methods in order to remain viable. Nonetheless, by identifying and managing key elements that influence foreign trade, like political risks, new co mpanies are likely to flourish. Adler, N. (2008).
Sunday, September 29, 2019
HR Training Class
Organizations are continuously seeking to improve quality in which there is more focus on their customer service and relations. In most organizations the customer service skills contribute to the success of the organization. Individuals with good people skills are the foundation to excellent customer service. The skills associated with good customer service are problem solving, team work, leadership selection is not an effective way to improve productivity in situations where only a few applicants compete for a large number of openings, or a business involves only easily learned tasks (Brown, 1996).Employees have many options to improving their performance In the event an organization encounters these situations, selection techniques would not be used but training would be used. In any organization, when employees have interactions with customers it represents the organization. The perception held by the customers experience will influence how they will perceive the organization and its products. When determining the training needs of organizations employees and filling positions are important factors in the HR management processes.Having the right number of people with the right training in the right jobs to meet its sales goals for the new product is essential in a viable organization (Kusluvan, 2003). A job analysis needs to be completed to know the skills needed for each position. The job description will lay out the skills and abilities of an individual needed to fill a job will come from the job analysis. The needs assessment role is to give answers to such commonly asked questions such as the when, who, and why.Conducting needs assessment protects the assets of an organization and facilitates conservation and proper utilization of resources set aside for training. A needs assessment helps to know whether training is the ideal solution to a performance deficiency (Barbazette, 2006). If training does not help resolve a deficiency in skills and knowledge, t here would be no need for the training. Organizations should know the reason training to avoid wasting resources in training materials. Needs Assessment PurposeAltschuld and White (2010) point out training needs assessment serves several multiple purposes only if proper implementation takes place. The needs of the organization is the most important when it comes to the training offered. Serving the business needs with training adds value only when it is needed. Lastly, it will help correct the issues that the clients may present. The clients know what they want but do not know the way to correct issues concerning human performance. A needs assessment can communicate distinctive information given by the client, also give other reason on the clients original feeling.The other reason for the assessment is to match up with the employee’s performance needs ultimately meeting the needs of the organization. A major role of the assessment is to gather the information that will bac k the design of the training, which best fits the needs of the employee’s job description. Also, it results in recommendations regarding non-training issues that are affecting the achievement of the desired organization and employee performance goals (Barbazette, 2006). It is equally as important for the individual assessor to know the issues and give suggestions as to how these issues could be addressed. In addition, training needs assessment helps protect the continuance of the training functions in an organization.During hard times the risk will not be so high if the training provided adds value to the organization. In the process of a needs assessment one should consider the needs of the business, employee performance, and individual learning. The evaluation methods consist of different factors such as organization needs, learner reaction, job performances and learning. The goal in training is to be able to identify positive changes in each of the four needs assessment pr e-measures when post-measured during evaluation (Lenan & Bailey, 2006). The evaluation measurement can cause the organization to begin a new needs assessment. A needs assessment uncovers the existing performance deficiencies. The assessment will address the following questions: Need of training?Organizations need to compare the deficiency to the business needs and confirm that the positive outcome of training employees outweighs the problems inherent in performance deficiency (Tobey, 2005). In order to answer this question, one will have to complete an alternative analysis along with a feasibility analysis. Individual training?Individuals that can provide a solution to the deficiency should be involved in the training. The targeted population should be analyzed to acquire the knowledge of their deficiency. The analysis will also help design the training program needed and that would be of interest. Unstable Performance ResolvedThe best way to solve performance issues is by offeri ng training or if training is not feasible offer was to solve the issues. A performance analysis will identify the deficiency of skills; this can be solved by training. Best Performance Ways?To achieve the best results there is a better way to accomplish the task. Job performance standards such as Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) should be set by the organization (Tobey, 1987). Government regulations should also be considered when completing the task in a required manner. Conduct task analysis to identify the best way to perform. Training Timing?Organizations have to consider the best time to complete the training due to the holiday schedules and business cycles will impact the employee attendance.Improvement of the organizations performance is done through the performance and commitment of the employees as well as training. Training will aid employees in their current roles and help develop them for possible future added responsibilities. Some of the purposes of training are to update employee skills, preparation for promotion, and success in management while satisfying the employee needs. Some organizations provide apprentice training.The implementation of a training program being successful depends on more than the organizations ability to identify the needs. The success depends on the ability to obtain information to design a training program to fit the need. Some experts think that the design of the training programs should be focused on objectives of the instructional training’s willingness of employees, instructor’s characteristics and principles of learning. There are many methods of training employees, these methods consist of presentations, role play, on the job training, case study, online web base seminars and simulations.The method of training chosen is online web- based training because it is very convenient to use. If ones company is not already using it, then there should be plans to implement online training as a part of th e overall plan for education. Web-based training has several advantages. †¢Provides employees access to training materials twenty four hours a day so, they can learn and complete on their own schedule †¢Management can track employees progress†¢Expenses are cut due to not having to provide instructors, venue or materials †¢It enables staff members from various geographical settings to take the training at their convenience without the time or expense of traveling. Since the introduction of the internet, organizations now have virtual online training. This is a way that the company can offer training on various subjects in an online environment. Some organizations offer certificate programs for the completion of the courses employees complete. Ways to motivate employeesThe most indisputable way to motivate employees into attending a training session is to make it a requirement to attend training on scheduled work hours. There are ways to motivate employees that are not interested in attending training sessions are as follows (Tobey, 2005; Rossett, 1987).Provide incentivesThe most common incentives for employees to attend training will include opportunities for promotion, college credits, certificates and monetary compensation. Relate the training to an employee’s immediate jobEmployees are more willing to attend training when the material covered will be directly related to their immediate job performance. Employees would be more motivated to attend a training session on a computer program that the organization will be using in two months than a training session on â€Å"Future Trends on Office Automation†(Rosset, 1987). Therefore, training should be provided before the implementation of the product instead of with the thought of we may use it. Make the training interestingEmployees are more interested and willing to go to training if the session are interesting and they gain useful information associated with their position. I ncrease employee buy-in in the trainingIf the employee has a say in the information covered and the type of training given they will be more likely to attend these sessions. Provide the food.The organization provides lunch during the training session for the employees as the presentation is carried out. This would be the highest possibility that the employees would attend this training. Reduce the stress of attending the trainingOften times, employees are willing to attend training but their schedule constraints keep them from taking the time away from their schedules. The organization can assist employees with attending training by reducing their workload or giving assistance with workload. Customer feedback is significant to respond to customer needs and issues to ensure satisfaction of the Company’s products and services (Brown, 1996). Feedback in training is important in helping make improvements for future training sessions. Sample of survey used to collect feedback.1. O verall how would you rate the training class? ExcellentGoodFairPoor*2. Please rate the following aspects of the training classExcellentGoodFairPoorn/a Did your trainer actively ask questionsDid your trainer have a professional demeanorPlease rate the qualifications of the instructor3. Based on your experience at this training class, how likely are you to attend future training class with this instructor? Very likelySomewhat likelyNot likely4. What did you learn from the training?ExcellentGoodFairPoorn/a5. What do you think about the quality of training?ExcellentGoodFairPoorn/a6. Were the training materials enough?7.Suggest other methods of training8.What did you learn from the training?In conclusion, all organizations should place training employees on customer service at the top of their priorities. Customers will continue to come back when they receive good service and back service will drive customers away. Therefore all organizations need to continue to enhance the customer serv ice skills of their employees through customer service training.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Internet and Everyday Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Internet and Everyday Life - Essay Example Consequently, the present research contains profound sociological significance in its nature and scope. The internet is rightly viewed to be one of the most influencing inventions of all times, which has paved the way towards introducing of fastest possible modes of communication and interactions for the people across the globe (Bakardjieva 2011, p. 59). Consequently, one could enter into a detailed and comprehensive communication with the persons living thousands of miles away from him within a jiffy (Bakardjieva 2011, p. 60). The individuals can enter into business contracts, and could have an access to sufficient information about health, learning and other topics while staying at one’s computer by one click only through the internet. Hence, internet has made the contemporary era life to be exceptionally swift and speedy one in all regards; same is equally the case with the amusement and recreational activities people get involved into in one way or the other, predominantly sex, romance and dating (Gibbs et al 2011, p. 72). Burkitt has declared both performing of professional obligations as well as enjoying recreational moments as inevitable parts of everyday life (2011, p. 212). Bakardjieva is of the opinion that the internet surfing has obtained the status of an essential part of daily routine, which is consumed during both professional and recreational activities in contemporary era (2011, p. 58). Cooper (2000) ascertains that over one tenth of the aggregate internet users spend over 11 hours a week searching for and looking at sexual content (Zitzman 2007, p. 11). Hence, a considerable part of daily routine is spent on the internet; out of which most of the time is consumed in watching porn sites (Attwood & Smith 2014, p. 2). In past, internet was consumed by the professionals only at offices and workplaces, and was meant
Friday, September 27, 2019
Low cost Airlines (Southwest Airlines) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Low cost Airlines (Southwest Airlines) - Essay Example This report will investigate the factors that have led to the survival and continuing success of Southwest Airlines, including the company’s financial planning, financial control, costing and the company’s efficient decision making process.The company has a unique business model of careful financial planning, control, efficient costing and a quick decision making process. Such unique business models have been known to ensure continued success in business organisations (Schein, E. H. 1980). Financial planning Southwest airlines is the only airline in the United States that has been consistently profitable for the past 3 decades, and this is mostly due to proper financial planning by the airline. The company’s financial planning model is a major reason why Southwest Airlines has remained profitable every year since its inception in the 1960s. In order to effectively carry out flight operations, an airline needs pilots, cabin crews planes that can take-off and land on the landing slots, and sales-point coordination. It is quite difficult to make these resources sustainable sources of competitiveness, as they are now much more accessible due to the development of the international markets. (Butler, G.F., and Keller, M.R. 2000). Southwest created an advantage by planning to price their fares at 60 percent below the prevailing air fares in the market. â€Å"When Southwest launched its Florida intra-state services in 1996, it offered some advanced purchase fares for as low as $29. Also, when the airline opened a Chicago-to-Cleveland route, its lowest unrestricted one-way fare was as low as $59, while those of other airlines were around $310.†(Doganis R. 2001). With this plan, the airline has been able to divert a substantial number of passengers from the road thus ensuring that the yields achieved are relatively high when measured in terms of revenue per passenger-kilometre because the fares are all point-to-point The airline’s fina ncial success comes from the company’s ability to operate at costs that are lower than the revenue generated by the airline’s operations. Although southwest’s unit revenues are not much lower than those of other competing airlines, operating on the same routes, southwest has enjoyed an advantage in the unit cost, by operating at cost levels that are as much as 40 percent below those of its major competitors. (Doganis R. 2001) Financial control Despite the economic downturn that has been experienced in the United States, Southwest Airlines has remained financially stable and ahead of its competitors in the industry. This is due to an adequate control of the company’s finances, as Southwest Airlines has been able to overcome the economic issues that have affected the airline industry. Southwest is one of the most successful airlines in the United States due to its ability to attract customers based on the exceptional services, low-fares, and the companyâ₠¬â„¢s ability to evolve and effect needed changes. â€Å"In recent years, the global price of oil has caused many airlines to collapse as airlines were forced to raise ticket prices and lose customers. Airlines were also hurt by low ridership rates.†(Bennett and Craun 1993) Southwest Airlines has been able to maintain financial control by increasing or decreasing the number of flights served per day, as against increasing the coat of travelling for their customers. As a result of this control, the customers reach their destinations on time, and without having to pay higher fares. Since low fares have become the airline’s selling point, decreasing the cost becomes a very important aspect of the company’s financial control. Southwest Airlines also tries to maintain financial control by simplifying its operating process and utilizing strategies like the maintenance of one type of aircraft, not serving meals on flights, using cash-register receipts as tickets, and not using a computer reservation system. Southwest airlines has been known to cuts flights with poor sales and
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Midwifery Code of Conduct Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Midwifery Code of Conduct - Essay Example The healthcare industry is making efforts to offer and continue offering quality care and increase the credentials that enhance the competitiveness of organizations.  Scholars Lundy and Janes in their research argued that the main objective of healthcare administration is to ensure that the delivery of healthcare reaches residents in the efficient ways, to the required standards. Governments ensure that the provision of healthcare ensures continued support in the growth of the economies. This cannot be delivered if the administration and the organization as a whole do not prioritize work-life balance and team building among its employees as well as other stakeholders. Enhancing work-life balance is therefore very crucial to ensuring the success and stability of these organizations, and the companies should invest in promoting and building work-life balance for increased productivity and service delivery. This is a decisive move, applicable in building management and leadership to move in the leadership capacity of the health management and practitioners (Site, 2012). There are three potential models for healthcare organizations. These models a re corporate/business models, the orchestrator and the community model. These models represent the different ways in which hospitals conduct their operations. The corporate model is for hospitals, which are operated as financial entities. These hospitals’ main aim is making profit just like any other business. The orchestrator model is for hospitals, which are operated, similar to airports or malls. In this model, hospitals are looked at as providers of infrastructure for specialized and independent health providers. The final model is the community model where the needs of people come before the finance issues (Site, 2012). Â
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Human Resource Management Analysis Questions on Movie "Office Essay
Human Resource Management Analysis Questions on Movie "Office Space" (1999) - Essay Example Instead of the company investigating their problems, it hires consultants Bob Porter and Bob Slydell to downsize its workforce. Tom Smykowski among other employees like Samir, Milton and others, suffer humiliations, indignities and now the downsizing threat. The HR could have undertaken a job evaluation or performance assessment so to determine the source of employees’ fatigue, their lack of motivation so as to improve their efficiency. Employee engagement is vital since it improves employee’s enthusiasm in the workplace (Dgj 2015). Lawrence withdrawal is illegal and unethical because it downgrades the work ethics. Since he was a displeased employee, he could have reached out to the HR and laid out his grievances for a mutual consultation. The work ethics stipulate the relevant procedures and channels of raising job grievances. He could also have utilized the Ombudsman or Labor Union for interventions (Dgj 2015). The consultants, Bobs; could have been the last resort of solving the inefficiency issues. The company suffers dysfunctional organizational culture and lack of effective employee development measures. The management employs autocratic leadership leading to disengagement of the employees (Dgj 2015). It also lacks employee development strategies to enhance their capabilities and motivational levels. Under the Contract Law, the company could sue Peter for Breach of Contract and lack of Due Diligence. Peter having signed the Contract of Employment at inception was bound to uphold the Company’s terms and condition of service which trickled to Breach of Contract. His absenteeism and work misbehaviors contributed to lack of care and conscientiousness which he could face lack of Due Diligence (Dgj 2015). The consultants abused their work ethics in a big way. First of all, they applauded Peter Gibbons misbehaviors like absconding work, coming late and neglecting the company’s dress code. Additionally, Milton relocation to the
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Describe the relationship between media and reality Essay
Describe the relationship between media and reality - Essay Example The media can be considered a very influential representation to reality through the essential elements of selection, construction and representation. Each media form, whether electronic or print, process social constructs of an image of event, story, and this may differ to what the society experience in reality (, Representation). With the two competing theories on media, manipulation theory is more accurate. According to Noam Chamsky, there are 10 strategies of manipulation by the media, taking note on reality TV. The first is the strategy of distraction. According to Chomsky, â€Å"the key element of social control is the strategy of distraction that is to divert public attention from important issues and changes decided by political and economic elites, through the technique of flood or flooding continuous distractions and insignificant information. The strategy of distraction is also essential to keep the public interested in the essential knowledge in science, econo mics, psychology, neurobiology, and cybernetics.†The second strategy is to create problems after offering solution. Chomsky referred to this strategy as "problem-reaction-solution" which creates a problem, a "situation" due to cause some reaction in public, so that it is the principal measures that want to accept. Third strategy is gradation aims to make it accept an unacceptable extent, simply apply it gradually, a dropper, for consecutive years (Chomsky, n.d.). Fourth strategy is defer which Chomsky believes that another way to create an unpopular decision to accept is to present it as "painful and necessary" in obtaining public acceptance for the moment for a future application. It is easier to accept that a future sacrifice of an immediate sacrifice. Fifth strategy according to Chomsky is addressing public as children. This refers to the public as a younger child where characters, arguments and any discourse are performed in children’s intonation. The next strategy is to use the emotional aspect much more than a reflection. Chomsky put it in a way that â€Å"making use of emotional aspect is a classic technique to cause a short circuit on rational analysis, and finally to the critical sense of individuals.†Seventh strategy is to keep the public in ignorance and mediocrity. Next strategy is to stimulate the public to be complacent mediocrity (Chomsky, n.d.). Ninth strategy of manipulation of media is strengthening the revolt and lastly is the strategy of the best guys knows what they know if the same. This last strategy portrays that the system has more control and great power over individuals than the individuals themselves (Chomsky, n.d.). I love Lucy and Rosie movies were sit-coms which movies were made after the success of the shows. I love Lucy was able to portray a happy couple who lived in a modest apartment in New York. In this movie, the couple were in pursuit of success and wealth. This sitcom and movie was ranked very high i n the country. Thus through the theory of manipulation, the audience can be manipulated to believe in the lifestyle portrayed by the couple in the sitcom and the movie. The husband Ricky, is a Cuban born bandleader in Tropicana, loves his wife very much. Despite the shortcomings of Lucy in her career in showbiz and different get-rich-quick schemes, Ricky was forgiving and stayed beside her all throughout. Rosie on the other hand,
Monday, September 23, 2019
The VW Resende Modular Consortium Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1
The VW Resende Modular Consortium - Essay Example This essay discusses that VW’s strategy of manufacturing trucks in Brazil could be defined as a Focus Strategy. Under a focus strategy the firm concentrates on one or a limited range of segment of the market. Thus did VW, by focusing its manufacturing process on trucks. Working in the automotive industry throughout the world, VW has made a decision to focus mainly on one segment of the automobile industry in Brazil. It was a truck production sector. While this strategy was different from the overall company strategy, VW had to act in a way that best fitted the organization’s competitive environment in Brazil. The company benefited from its specialization on truck segment by gaining strong competency in the production of trucks and some of their modules. This paper highlights that by going deeper to the Porter’s focus strategy, it is possible to assume that the VW’s Resende Modular Consortium was more closely related to the cost leadership focus. C ost leadership as a generic strategy does not imply that the company will market the lowest price product or service in the industry. The main goal of the cost leader is to secure a cost advantage over its rivals, price competitively and relative to how its product is perceived by the customers and achieve a high profit margin. By adopting cost leadership focus strategy on the Brazilian truck market, the VW Company was striving to satisfy its customer’s needs with up-to-date technologies and trucks of the highest quality of relatively low prices.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Technology and the changes IT Essay Example for Free
Technology and the changes IT Essay Technology and the changes it brings can have a very big effect on our lives. Which technological change has had the largest effect on life in this country? Why? Prepare at least a 350-word essay explaining the technology you have chosen and how it has affected our lives. As you write your paper, remember your essay will be scored based on how well you address the following: †¢ Develop a multi-paragraph response to the assigned topic that clearly communicates your controlling idea to the audience. †¢ Support your controlling idea with meaningful examples, reasons, and information based upon your research or readings. †¢ Organize your essay in a clear and logical manner, including an introduction, body, and conclusion. †¢ Use well-structured sentences and language that are appropriate for your audience. †¢ Edit your work to conform to the conventions of standard American English The digital divide is beginning to close. The flow of digital information – through mobile phones, text messaging, and the Internet – is now reaching the world’s masses, even in the poorest countries, bringing with it a revolution in economics, politics, and society. In my opinion, the technological innovation that has had the greatest impact on our lives in this country today would be the mobile telecommunication technology. For the last ten to fifteen years, mobile phones have changed our lives in such a way that no other technological change has before. Earlier, people used to book telephone calls in advance, had to go and use near the telephone booths, or sit beside a physical telephone instrument kept in the drawing room of a house, and attend to, or make calls stuck to a place. Now, people simply carry a 200 gram device in their pockets and can travel the world, always connected to their loved ones and business partners, no matter in whatever remote part of the world they are. (However, in certain countries, mobile coverage does
Saturday, September 21, 2019
A Theme Analysis Essay Example for Free
A Theme Analysis Essay Poet Robert Lee Frost powerfully depicts a boy’s transition from adolescence to early adulthood in his poem, Birches. The poem begins in the first person point of view, luring the reader to take a close glimpse at nature, specifically birch trees bent from ice-storms and the passage of the years. After a few lines, though, Frost shifts to the second person point of view, stating , for example, â€Å"You may see their trunks arching in the woods†(Frost line17). Here, he directly addresses the reader, making the latter part of the experience of witnessing something simple and majestic like nature. It is clear that the author is making an attempt to immerse that reader’s consciousness in his musings about a part of nature, which is actually a metaphor for something more profound. In the poem, birch trees serve as a metaphor for life itself. Most literary selections discuss the weariness or relentless toiling that adults experience as they journey through life. From the outset, it may seem like the birch tree is used to symbolize a person who is advancing in years and weary from years of toiling and withstanding the elements. Upon reading the rest of the poem, however, the reader gleans that the hardships of life being depicted are that of a young boy who, in grappling with the pains and difficulties he encounters in his childhood, both as part of the natural course of events – or sexual awakening – and as wrought by external factors and events, he gains a semblance of maturity. In the poem, the boy’s sexual awakening is depicted in the line that likens the falling leaves of the birch trees to â€Å"girls on hands and knees that throw their hair†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Frost line19). The other symbolisms, like the boy who climbs the top branches of the tree and makes his way back to the ground, signifies how a youth develops his own distinct identity and molds his character by exploring all that life has to offer, whether they are part of the natural order of things, or challenges inflicted by unfortunate circumstances. The discerning reader is able to sense from the masterfully written poem that the main character – a boy – is entwined between trying to discover intimacy and enjoying isolation. All the pieces of the poem may be tied together after reading it in its entirety. The poet’s musings about how hard life can get, as symbolized by birches all bent but not broken, easily strikes a chord in the heart of a reader who has known the joys of a carefree childhood but is thrust into the challenges and vicissitudes of life. Frost alludes to the possibility that â€Å"some boy’s swinging them†(Frost line3) but immediately detracts, ascertaining that this could not have been the cause on why the trees have become permanently bent. It is midway through the poem, from the author’s own revelation, which states, â€Å"So was I once myself a swinger of birches†(Frost line42) that the reader gathers that the author was recalling his own boyhood. This was not immediately discernible, as the reader may have conjectured that the author may be relating his observation of some other boy or childhood friend. The average reader is also bound to be taken in or entranced more by the imagery depicted by the poem than to ascertaining if the author was talking from experience. In any case, some knowledge about Frost’s life proves that he was, in fact, making references to his own childhood years. Learning about Frost’s family background and upbringing sheds greater light on the many sentiments he expressed in his poem. â€Å"Frost’s parents were poor†¦ Robert was only eleven years old when his father died, leaving the family virtually penniless†(Nikita par. 3). Knowing this, the reader is ale to understand better Frost’s use of birches as a metaphor for life. The reader is able to surmise that Frost has had little time to enjoy his childhood, as life dealt a heavy blow with the death of a parent and foisted a man’s responsibilities on him. In the poem, this is expressed in the line â€Å"One by one he subdued his father’s trees†(Frost 29). Frost expresses his angst and sentiments about finding solace in nature and the countryside in the lines: â€Å"I’d like to get away from earth awhile / And then come back to it and begin over†(Frost lines49-50). This is one of the most stirring lines in the poem which a reader can easily identify with. When the author underscores birch trees as a metaphor for life which has seen ups and downs and now appears to have been weighed down by the onslaught of the years and of external elements, he presents a universal subject matter in a highly creative way. Frost employs literary devices like figures of speech, notably similes, personification to lend visual impact to his key message, successfully bringing to the reader’s consciousness all the important sentiments he wishes to convey. Frost’s brilliant poetic style is also thought-provoking. The reader is led to make inferences or interpretations when Frost, for instance, sprinkles his poem with similes, like â€Å"life is too much like a pathless wood†(Frost line45), or when he expands the idea by using personification in the lines â€Å"When your face burns and tickles with the cobwebs / Broken across it, and one eye is weeping†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Frost lines46-47). Frost’s trademark style of moving â€Å"in a smooth uninterrupted flow from an event or object, through a metaphor, to an idea†(Roberts Jacobs 1103) is indeed impeccable. Overall, Birches is a beautiful poem that offers a soothing balm to world-weary individuals who yearn to go back to their roots, especially if these roots bring them back to places and experiences that in some ways renew the spirit. Nature, a favorite subject matter of Frost, is used to present in full impact how an individual grapples with life’s difficulties that weigh him down at some point, and make him yearn to take a respite. The main character reminisces about his boyhood and carefree romp with nature, but realizes in the end that he must continue to face the responsibilities and the realities of life as any adult should. Work Cited Nikita, Rochelle. The Life and Poetry of Robert Frost. †Associated Content. 25 November 2008. 28 May 2009. http://www. oxfordtoday. ox. ac. uk/2007-08/v20n1/08. shtml. Roberts, E. , and Henry Jacobs. Literature – An Introduction to Reading and Writing. 6th ed. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.. , 2001.
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